20.11.2009 / 00:00 Opening ceremony of Lankaran Regional Department of the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan 18.11.2009 / 00:00 The delegation headed by Ambassador of the Republic of Hungary to the Republic of Azerbaijan at the State Migartion Service 12.11.2009 / 00:00 The delegation headed by Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway to Azerbaijan at the State Migration Service 31.10.2009 / 00:00 The official visit of the State Migration Service Chief of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Kingdom of Netherlands 20.10.2009 / 00:00 Meeting with the UN representatives at the State Migration Service 08.10.2009 / 00:00 Joint event with the representations of the International Organization for Migration and United Nations Organization in Azerbaijan was held at the State Migration Service 29.09.2009 / 00:00 State Migration Service Chief Mr. Arzu Rahimov received the Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to Azerbaijan 01.09.2009 / 00:00 Series of trainings held with the participation of the State Migration Service staff 19.08.2009 / 00:00 Amendments to the Decision №102 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan Republic dated June 30, 2009 have been made with the Decision №126 of the Cabinet of Ministers dated August 18, 2009 14.08.2009 / 00:00 Seminar held at the State Migration Service 17.07.2009 / 00:00 Delegation of American Chamber at the State Migration Service 02.07.2009 / 00:00 Press conference for mass media representatives was held at the State Migration Service