Rules of getting registered for the reception by the leadership
of the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan

  • Here you can get info about date and time of reception by the leadership of State Migration Service.
  • It is important to fill in below form correctly for getting registered for reception of the leadership of State Migration Service. Text should be filled in the alphabet of written language, not written wholly in capital or in small letters, as well as divided to sentences and rules of usage of punctuations should be followed. Application should be written in clear and smooth sentences. 
  • You can be sure of your application’s delivery if “Thank you” message appears on the screen.
  • You will be informed about reception via e-mail address you have mentioned.
  • People invited to the reception in State Migration Service should present identification document (passport or permission card of foreigner or stateless person, identification card of the citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan and so on)
  • Reception by the leadership of State Migration Service is conducted upon the issues within the competences of the Service.
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