01.07.2009 / 00:00 From the date of July 1, 2009 the State Migration Service started to the application of the “Single Window” Principle 30.06.2009 / 00:00 State Migration Service held joint event with the Germany-Azerbaijan Business Association 26.06.2009 / 00:00 Meeting with the delegation of the Germany Federative Republic was held at the State Migration Service 04.06.2009 / 00:00 Meeting with the Indian Embassy delegation was held at the State Migration Service 27.05.2009 / 00:00 28 May - Republic Day ceremony was held at the State Migration Service 26.05.2009 / 00:00 State Migration Service employees met with International Labour Organization (ILO) representatives 22.05.2009 / 00:00 Delegation of the Republic of Azerbaijan participated at the 2nd part of 17th economic and environmental forum of OSCE 16.05.2009 / 00:00 State Migration Service Chief attended the meeting held with Heads of Migration Bodies Council of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) 01.05.2009 / 00:00 Delegation of the Republic of Azerbaijan participated in the international conference held in Prague 08.04.2009 / 00:00 Round table was held at the State Migration Service