Legal Migration
- Applications for registration upon place of stay of foreigners and stateless persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan – 328.159
- Applications on obtaining temporary and permanent residence permits (extension of periods) of foreigners and stateless persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan– 23.030
- Applications on establishment to the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan - 15.675
Illegal Migration
- The number of the decisions by foreigners and stateless persons in the field of migration of Azerbaijan Republic, as well as on infringement of requirements of administrative legislation - 9.299
Of these:
- Cases on legalization of residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan – 1.212
- Cases on imposition of the penalty without administrative expulsion from the territory of the country – 5.391
- Cases on imposition of the penalty with administrative expulsion from the territory of the country - 2.302
- Regarding the restriction of arrival in the territory of country in accordance with Article 16.1.8 of Migration Code - 273
- Cases of loss of permit card for temporary and permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan – 121
Legal Migration
- Applications for registration upon place of stay of foreigners and stateless persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan – 126.217
- Applications on obtaining temporary and permanent residence permits (extension of periods) of foreigners and stateless persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan– 3163
- Applications on establishment to the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan - 3497
Illegal Migration
- The number of the decisions by foreigners and stateless persons in the field of migration of Azerbaijan Republic, as well as on infringement of requirements of administrative legislation - 2803
Of these:
- Cases on legalization of residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan – 264
- Cases on imposition of the penalty without administrative expulsion from the territory of the country – 1268
- Cases on imposition of the penalty with administrative expulsion from the territory of the country - 999
- Regarding the restriction of arrival in the territory of country in accordance with Article 16.1.8 of Migration Code - 245
- Cases of loss of permit card for temporary and permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan – 27
Legal Migration
- Applications for registration upon place of stay of foreigners and stateless persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan – 56600
- Applications on obtaining temporary and permanent residence permits (extension of periods) of foreigners and stateless persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan– 3708
- Applications on establishment to the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan - 2768
Illegal Migration
- cases on infringement of requirements of administrative legislation by foreigners and stateless persons without observing rules of stay, temporary and permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan - 1856
Of these:
- Cases on legalization of residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan – 220
- Cases on imposition of the penalty without administrative expulsion – 887
- Cases on imposition of the penalty with administrative expulsion - 458
- Regarding the restriction of arrival in the territory of country in accordance with Article 16.1.8 of Migration Code - 264
- Cases of loss of permit card for temporary and permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan – 27
Legal Migration
- Applications for registration upon place of stay of foreigners and stateless persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan – 46574
- Applications on obtaining temporary and permanent residence permits (extension of periods) of foreigners and stateless persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan– 4248
- Applications on establishment to the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan - 2704
Illegal Migration
- cases on infringement of requirements of administrative legislation by foreigners and stateless persons without observing rules of stay, temporary and permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan - 1547
Of these:
- Cases on legalization of residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan – 179
- Cases on imposition of the penalty without administrative expulsion – 919
- Cases on imposition of the penalty with administrative expulsion - 431
- Cases of loss of permit card for temporary and permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan – 18
Legal Migration
- Applications for registration upon place of stay of foreigners and stateless persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan – 58351
- Applications on obtaining temporary and permanent residence permits (extension of periods) of foreigners and stateless persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan– 3875
- Applications on establishment to the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan - 2564
Illegal Migration
- cases on infringement of requirements of administrative legislation by foreigners and stateless persons without observing rules of stay, temporary and permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan - 1412
Of these:
- Cases on legalization of residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan – 226
- Cases on imposition of the penalty without administrative expulsion – 839
- Cases on imposition of the penalty with administrative expulsion - 327
- Cases of loss of permit card for temporary and permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan – 20
Legal migration
- Total number of applications on registration upon place of stay - 39464
- Total number of applications for obtaining permission for temporary and permanent residence (extension of temporary staying period) - 3978
- Total number of applications on establishment of citizenship - 2784
Illigal migration
- Number of administrative violations of rules on stay as well as temporary and permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan - 1767
- Number of foreigners whose residence on the territory of the country was legalized - 223
- Number of decisions on leaving the country within 48 hours was adopted - 1157
- Number of foreigners expelled from the country in administrative order - 368
- The cases of loss of permit card for temporary and permanent residence - 19
Legal migration
- Total number of applications on registration upon place of stay - 49107
- Total number of applications for obtaining permission for temporary and permanent residence (extension of temporary staying period) - 3852
- Total number of applications on establishment of citizenship - 2058
Illigal migration
- Number of administrative violations of rules on stay as well as temporary and permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan - 1667
- Number of foreigners whose residence on the territory of the country was legalized - 204
- Number of decisions on leaving the country within 48 hours was adopted - 1121
- Number of foreigners expelled from the country in administrative order - 325
- The cases of loss of permit card for temporary and permanent residence - 17
Legal migration
- Total number of applications on registration upon place of stay - 689118
- Total number of applications for obtaining permission for temporary and permanent residence (extension of temporary staying period) - 53214
- Total number of applications on establishment of citizenship - 38791
Illigal migration
- Number of administrative violations of rules on stay as well as temporary and permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan - 26632
- Number of foreigners whose residence on the territory of the country was legalized - 2372
- Number of decisions on leaving the country within 48 hours was adopted - 18540
- Number of foreigners expelled from the country in administrative order - 5523
- The cases of loss of permit card for temporary and permanent residence - 197
Legal migration
- Total number of applications on registration upon place of stay - 45709
- Total number of applications for obtaining permission for temporary and permanent residence (extension of temporary staying period) - 5156
- Total number of applications on establishment of citizenship - 3233
Illigal migration
- Number of administrative violations of rules on stay as well as temporary and permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan - 1855
- Number of foreigners whose residence on the territory of the country was legalized - 190
- Number of decisions on leaving the country within 48 hours was adopted - 1260
- Number of foreigners expelled from the country in administrative order - 388
- The cases of loss of permit card for temporary and permanent residence - 17
Legal migration
- Total number of applications on registration upon place of stay - 45874
- Total number of applications for obtaining permission for temporary and permanent residence (extension of temporary staying period) - 7176
- Total number of applications on establishment of citizenship - 2542
Illigal migration
- Number of administrative violations of rules on stay as well as temporary and permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan - 2299
- Number of foreigners whose residence on the territory of the country was legalized - 212
- Number of decisions on leaving the country within 48 hours was adopted - 1576
- Number of foreigners expelled from the country in administrative order - 493
- The cases of loss of permit card for temporary and permanent residence - 18
Legal migration
- Total number of applications on registration upon place of stay - 67648
- Total number of applications for obtaining permission for temporary and permanent residence (extension of temporary staying period) - 4654
- Total number of applications on establishment of citizenship - 3101
Illigal migration
- Number of administrative violations of rules on stay as well as temporary and permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan - 2908
- Number of foreigners whose residence on the territory of the country was legalized - 202
- Number of decisions on leaving the country within 48 hours was adopted - 2109
- Number of foreigners expelled from the country in administrative order - 582
- The cases of loss of permit card for temporary and permanent residence - 15
Legal migration
- Total number of applications on registration upon place of stay - 95985
- Total number of applications for obtaining permission for temporary and permanent residence (extension of temporary staying period) - 3695
- Total number of applications on establishment of citizenship - 3686
Illigal migration
- Number of administrative violations of rules on stay as well as temporary and permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan - 3478
- Number of foreigners whose residence on the territory of the country was legalized - 255
- Number of decisions on leaving the country within 48 hours was adopted - 2373
- Number of foreigners expelled from the country in administrative order - 828
- The cases of loss of permit card for temporary and permanent residence - 22