Event dedicated to the presentation of Twinning project was held at the State Migration Service

On November 21, 2012 event was held at the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan dedicated to the presentation of Twinning project called “Support the professional development of the staff of the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan and its subordinated agencies, and adjustment of legislation on Migration to the EU standards" which is financed by European Commission within the framework of EU Neighborhood Policy’s Action Plan for Azerbaijan and beneficiary is the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Greeting the guests chief of the State Migration Service of Azerbaijan Republic, III rank state migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev making a speech at the meeting stated that State Migration Service always gives importance to the protection of migrants’ rights and for this purpose pays particular attention to the implementation of cooperation with foreign countries on bilateral and multilateral bases. F.Nabiyev notified that holding such mutual meetings and making joint exchange of views both will give positive results in migration field and will be a base for deeper relations. Service chief emphasized that Twinning program is a project based on mutual cooperation and the main goal in the implementation of this project is to ensure the rights of foreigners and stateless persons, to apply improving EU practice in our country in order to implement harmonization of migration legislation of Azerbaijan Republic with relevant legislation of EU more effectively, to prevent illegal migration through systematic analysis, and to increase information and awareness campaigns, as well as professional skills of Service employees.

F.Nabiyev notified that current staff of the body consists of specialized young people educated in different fields and being in need of training on special aspects of migration issues.

At the presentation ceremony chief of the Repatriation and Departure Service of Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations of the Netherlands Ms. Rodia Maas also expressed her gratitude for mutual meeting and noted positive contributions of mutual cooperation.

Later on, service employee Araz Asgarli made a presentation on the project. At the presentation it was informed that in order to make more active efforts in the direction of integration towards Europe, the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan had presented a project to European Commission to participate in the project of Twinning, an institutional building instrument of EU and after being approved by Commission Implementation of this project was considered advisable, at the same time detailed information on measures intended within the project was given.

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