
An awareness raising event held in Shamkir and Astara

An awareness raising event was held in Shamkir on the topic of "The importance of the mutual activity of the relevant state bodies in preventing illegal migration".

At the event attended by the district executive power, executive delegations and employees of municipalities, law enforcement agencies activities of the State Migration Service, the services provided to foreigners and stateless persons, the importance of activities related to the fight against illegal migration and the joint activities all state bodies in this direction was highlighted.

The next awareness raising event at Astara Pedagogical College was dedicated to the topic "Rights and duties of foreigners and stateless persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Realization of the right to education".

The event provided information on the education of foreigners and stateless persons in our country and the role of the State Migration Service in the implementation of their rights and freedoms, while in the country, as well as the questions of the participants were answered.

A mobile service was also provided to 8 residents of Shamkir district. 2 received a temporary residence permit and 4 received a decision on establishment of citizenship. Questions of 2 persons on migration issues were answered in accordance with migration legislation.

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